Treasury Square: Mombasa’s rich history

Treasury square gardenThe statue of Aldina Visram at the Mombasa treasury square garden

Treasury Square Garden, Mombasa has a very unique size and surroundings. It measures about a hundred by three hundred meters only. Yet it is parked with very exotic trees and plants.

Treasury Square is one of the most significant reminders of Mombasa’s history. It served as the headquarters of Mombasa’s management during the Arab and British colonial days. If you wish to learn the history of Mombasa, you cannot afford to miss a visit here.

Several fine colonial style buildings, all dating back to the early 1900s, surround the square.

 At one corner of the garden stands a statute of Aldina Visram which bears some historical writings which makes most visitors especial foreigners take a keen interest.

There are very many Concrete seats which are placed in every corner of the garden and it’s rare to see a visitor without a seat.

The water fountain at the middle of the garden is very attractive and makes the whole place even much cooler.

Dust bins are strategically placed for visitors to dispose rubbish so as to keep this beautiful garden neat and clean.

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It is a very ideal place for relaxing and enjoying the cool breeze. One will be forgiven to wonder if this is within the City centre. Save for the now and then destructing noise by the crows the place is quiet.

 The trees here are very big and old. Others are very huge and cast a very large shade. Sitting in this garden one will hardly be touched by the sun rays. There is always a cool breeze thanks to the ocean which is nearby.

On the northern side are four banks, Central Bank, Kenya Commercial Bank, Standard Charted Bank and the Bank of India. To the west are some private office and the Harambee Sacco branch offices.

On the eastern side is one of the oldest offices in the Island, the DC’s offices, currently referred to as Deputy County Commissioner’s office.  It has withstood the test of time and still stands firm. And the County Head Quarters is just adjacent to these offices facing the garden.  The administrative heart of Mombasa is found right next to the garden. Here, you will find all the colonial style architecture of the city. The historic town hall is also found here.

To the southern side is the High Court making Treasury Square Gardens sandwiched by big offices and banks. 

Most civil servants and county government employees like to spend some time here especially immediately after lunch. The shade is appealing and the breeze very much refreshing. 

A large number of foreign visitor visit this garden during weekends when it is quite unlike during week days when it is usually parked by local visitors. 

It is about a hundred meters from the famous historical Fort Jesus just past the Bank of India towards the Old Port. 

It is one of the well maintained gardens within Mombasa County. There is an attendant all the time to clean and water the flower beds. 

The foot paths around the whole garden are well maintained making visitors pace up and down enjoying the power of nature. 

Treasury Square Garden is easily accessible by both means, from walking to tuk tuk or private cars. There is enough ample and secure parking. 

Visitors can easily walk to Fort Jesus or take a long walk towards state house to the Mama Ngina drive.

In a bid to maintain cleanliness at the garden, chewing miraa and cigarette smoking have been prohibited.

Other areas of interest within Mombasa include, Mamba village, Kengeleni, Likoni ferry and the Haller Park.

Mombasa also boasts world class hotels.

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