Nyamira county assembly building collapses

Nyamira county assembly

Several workers were on Thursday evening trapped when the multimillion-shilling Nyamira county assembly which is under construction collapsed.

The building collapsed at around 6 pm. Seven workers had been evacuated and rushed to Nyamira County Referral Hospital.

According to the residents who were first responders to the scene, construction was ongoing at the time the building collapsed.

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Two floors of the five-storey building were complete and the third floor was in its final stages. The number of workers trapped in the building is still unclear. Red Cross officials, traders and residents are currently trying to evacuate the workers. However, the evening downpour has frustrated evacuation efforts.

o far seven construction workers have been safely evacuated to the Nyamira County Refferal Hospital.

According to Dr Silas Ayunga who is the County director of medical services, the seven people are in stable condition.

“We have admitted them and they are in stable condition. We are also optimistic that they will be ok with time,” he said.

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1 Comment on "Nyamira county assembly building collapses"

  1. Kerry Nyamvula | May 28, 2021 at 2:30 pm | Reply

    Something need to be done to stop such deaths. Very sad

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