Kaloleni Member of Parliament has called for the immediate resignation of the supreme court charges who ruled in favour of the LGBTQ community.
Katana also demanded a public apology from the judges for going against the morals of the nation.
Speaking in Kaloleni when he issued Ksh 24 million bursaries to 5000 students, Katana vowed to consult the Kaya elders to place a curse on those who propagate LGBTQ culture in the country.
“As a nation our morals are being put to test by people we entrusted with interpreting our laws. The ruling that the LGBTQ community can form associations is a direct threat to our morals and growth. If we allow same sex relationships it means our population will shrink because same sex couples cannot procreate. We are slowly dancing to the dirty tunes of western culture” he said
The MP said the supreme court should have considered the wellbeing of the country in discharging their mandate.
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He expressed concerns that schools are the recruiting centres for LGBTQ.
“They cannot reproduce hence if they do not get new members then they will become distinct. They are now turning to our children in schools and entice them with money. If we do not take early precautions then we are losing a whole generation. Our workforce will also be affected,” added Katana
He said mijikenda elders were angered by the ruling and he is in close consultation with them.
Kaya fungo elder Dadu Mbaruk warned that the nation will continue to witness calamities for supporting cultures that are totaling against creation.
“That ruling ruling in some way glorified gayism. Where are we heading as a nation. We are already facing challenges as a nation and we are doing things that annoy the creator. We should never expect the mercy of our creator if this is what we glorify,” said Mbaruk.
James Katana, a pastor in Bamba warned that what befell Sodom and Gomorrah could befall Kenya.
Katana said such behaviours are a nuisance before the eyes of the Lord.
“God created man and a woman for a purpose. Whatever is hapening in this country in relation to that ruling is bespeakable. We need to curse that ruling and pray for forgiveness,” said Katana
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