Lawyer Kithi has just written his political eulogy

George Kithi

While donating Christmas hampers to sick children at the Kilifi county hospital on December 24, Kilifi senator hopeful George Kithi denied that he has shifted positions from senatorial to the governorship.

Even before the dust settles, a screen shot of a conversation by Kilifi county MCAs confirming Kithi is going for the governor position has surfaced.

Whereas the MCAs have congratulated Kithi for heeding their advice, this could be the biggest political set up.

Also Read: Kilifi ODM gubernatorial aspirants urged to hit the ground

Kithi had set up the ground for his campaigns well. Although both the senatorial and governorship positions cover the same locus, their mandates and expectations are far apart.

Kithi was most likely advised by a hungry stomach looking to feed ‘itself’. If indeed he is running for the gubernatorial seat, chances are that he will flop.

If you are drowning, do not take the advice of a drowning person, you are all drowning.

Most of the MCAs behind the move are even not sure if they will be re-elected.

An empty stomach is always a bad political advisor

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