Have you wondered why couples look alike? Here is why


There are many things that change when you start falling in love with someone, but there is nothing like science to explain why. Though relationship advice may have you believing certain things, what would you say if we told you that love can change who you are at your core?

Yes, being in a relationship can change the way couples look, communicate, and so much more. And here are five ways, according to science.

1. You begin to adopt the same mannerisms.

Ever mistake a married couple for being siblings? Well, couples do start to look similar after some time. This is because they start using the same muscles often and begin to mirror each other. This leads to them having the same mannerisms, according to this study.

2. You start eating the same amount.

Many men try to make women feel bad for gaining weight after getting into a relationship, but there is a reason for this. Dr. Lisa Young says that men eat so much more because they are just physically bigger. So when they date a woman, that woman often picks up his habits and starts eating as much as him.

3. You start to sound like each other.

Not only do you move alike, but how you speak also changes. Joshua Wolf, author of Powers of Two, told Business Insider that couples change their basic rhythms and syntactical structures to become more similar after spending so much time together.

Plus, text messages between couples also change to a point where the two eventually sound more alike.

4. You create your own language.

If you think you’re the only ones who have made up secret ways to communicate, you’re wrong. Psychologists found that couples make nicknames, inside jokes, secret words and phrases in order to connect. A study also found that couples who make a secret language tend to be happier.

5. If you marry outside your “class,” you learn cultural traits from each other.

One study found that people who marry “up” or “down” tend to teach the other certain things to get on the same page. A person who is working class learns how to have a more stable life from the other who is middle class. The spouse who is middle class learns more about spending time with family from the working class spouse.

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