Governor Waiguru joins UDA after meeting with Ruto


Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru has officially jumped ship to the ‘Hustler nation’ led by Deputy President William Ruto.

On Tuesday, Waiguru was holed up in a meeting with Ruto at his Karen residence.

Ruto is the United Democratic Alliance party leader. She is reportedly accompanied by 20 MCAs in the meeting.

Last month, Waiguru hinted that she would ditch the ruling Jubilee party for UDA ahead of the 2022 polls citing influence by Kirinyaga residents.

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She said she will listen and do extensive consultations with the electorates before making on the way forward as far as the August 2022 general election is concerned.

“I cannot try to be ignorant and go against my people. I can’t vote myself in, I am listening to what they want. Do they want me to run for governor a second term?” she posed.

In an interview with Citizen TV on September 9, the county chief said the party leadership had lost touch with the vote-rich region.

“If I ran today on a Jubilee ticket and someone else ran on a different party, even if people felt I had performed, it would be hard to convince them to vote for me,” she added.

“Jubilee has a lot of work in revamping the party and we need to do it fairly fast, revamping the party and resonating with the people. People need that emotional connection to the party.”

About The Author

About the Author

Jumaa Charo
Jumaa Charo is a veteran journalist . He is passionate about issues of Human Rights and Security.

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