Governor election in Mombasa and Kakamega suspended


IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati has suspended elections in four elective seats across the country following a mix up in the printing of ballot papers.

The elective areas include Mombasa and Kakamega counties where governor elections have been suspended until further notice.

Chebukati said this followed the realization that details and images of the candidates were wrong.

Other affected for the same reason are the Pokot South and Kacheliba constituency elections.

“Ballot papers for Mombasa governor position have wrong gubernatorial candidates’ pictures and their images printed on them,” Chebukati said.

“Ballot papers for Kacheliba constituency have wrong member of National Assembly candidates’ pictures and their images printed on them,” he added.

“As a result, elections for the respective positions have bee suspended to a later date that shall be announced to a later date through a gazette notice,” Chebukati stated.

The IEBC boss also said ballot papers for five constituencies were wrongly routed to Chuka Ingambeng’ombe in Tharaka Nithi county.

He said county assembly 

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