Former Likoni MP Mwalimu Masoud Mwahima is dead.
Mwahima, 78 died at his Likoni home on Monday night .Mwahima served as the Mayor for Mombasa Municipal council and later the MP for Likoni. In 2017 he lost the seat to Mishi Mboko.
His death comes barely just three weeks after the demise of another senior politician Ramadhan Seif Kajembe who was a former MP for Changamwe.
According to family members, the veteran politician passed on at around 11pm after an asthma attack.
He was treated at St Thomas Hospital on Sunday and allowed to go home.
“We took him to hospital after he had complained of asthma yesterday and when we brought him back, he was okay. Today night when we were seated outside our home, we heard a long silence and when we went to check him, he was dead,” said his son Juma.
His death comes just three weeks after that of former Changamwe MP Ramadhan Kajembe who succumbed to Covid-19.
Mr Mwahima was first elected to parliament in 2007/2008 on an ODM ticket and re-elected in 2013 where he served until 2016 when he ditched the party and joined Jubilee.
He contested the seat on the Jubilee Party ticket in the 2017 election, but lost to current MP Mishi Mboko who won on an ODM ticket.
Before being elected to parliament, Mr Mwahima served as the Shika Adabu councillor, the Mombasa municipal council deputy mayor and later as mayor from 1999 to 2002.
He was also the chairman of Kanu in Likoni earlier in his political career.
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