Dorothy Muli, a 33-year-old woman from Embakasi, reached a rare medical milestone one month ago by giving birth to quintuplets. Sadly, one of the infants passed away shortly after birth, leaving Muli with four surviving babies.
Muli initially anticipated delivering a single baby. However, as her pregnancy progressed, scans revealed she was carrying four babies. Yet, during her caesarean section, Muli was astonished to discover a fifth baby.
“From the first scan, it showed four infants. Even when I went to the theatre, I knew there were four. The procedure started, and I gave birth to four. Then the surgeon said there was another one,” Muli recounted.
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The arrival of the quintuplets has brought significant challenges. Muli is grappling with health complications, including high blood pressure and heart strain. Consequently, she is unable to breastfeed her newborns, who now rely on formula for their nutrition.
The family is appealing to well-wishers for help in purchasing baby formula to ensure their four tiny bundles of joy thrive.
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